Wednesday 30 May 2018

SHADY MOVIE LISTS: 2015's notable bad films

Oh, poor 2015. Does anyone even talk about you, or are you simply the world's most forgotten year? I mean, I suppose that's a good thing, since nothing super bad happened. It wasn't an election year. It wasn't an Olympic year. No Transformers movies came out. But honestly. 2015 is one of the least talked-about years since, like, 1996.

That, however, does not mean 2015 didn't have some terrible movies. It did. 2015, you are not exempt from my roasting. Let it begin.

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Thursday 24 May 2018

SHADY MOVIE LISTS: Franchises that fizzled

Some movies turn into billion-dollar, multi-decade franchises that release a new blockbuster offering every two or three years, all of which turn an enormous profit the likes of which would make us ordinary working people crap our pants. And some movies... don't.

For this list, I'm going to be looking at some movies where the intention was clearly to start a franchise, but it just didn't work. Some of these would-be franchises only have one film, some have two, while others have more than two, but they all have one thing in common: they won't be making any more of 'em anytime soon.

(By the way, I won't be looking at any whose most recent entries were released before 2013. Why? Because there were just too many.)

Friday 11 May 2018

SHADY MOVIE LISTS: Pixar, ranked

If you've been reading my blog in the past few months (as approximately 2 people are wont to do), you'll know that I am excited for Incredibles 2. Which is putting it mildly.

Pictured: me speaking Incredibles 2 into
existence over the last fourteen years.

In honor of this loooooooooong-awaited movie, I'm going to rank the Pixar movies according to my personal preference. You might be shocked to learn that The Incredibles is... actually not at the top. (*Gasps and screams from audiences everywhere*) Yes, I know, it's shocking. But worry not: The Incredibles may not be at the top, but Brad Bird damn well will be.

What's that, you say? Pixar rankings are overdone, everyone under the sun has made one, and I'm not special? Well, that may well be so, but it's my blog and I'll do what I want, so shut up and read my post!

Tuesday 8 May 2018

SHADY MOVIE THEORIES: Who is Screenslaver?

So I had to create a whole new label for this one. It took hours of work and effort, and I didn't even get paid. (Just kidding. It takes two seconds to write it in that little label box thingy.)

Here's what we know about Screenslaver from Incredibles 2: He hypnotizes people through the TV. He lives among the trash under an overpass. He has his own helicopter. He is way scarier than Syndrome. And he might not be who we think he is.

Other than that, we know jack shit about this badass-looking villain. However, I think it's safe to assume that his identity isn't just "some random guy from the street." Screenslaver is somebody. Who that somebody is? Remains to be seen.

Since there are multiple novelizations for the movie already floating around that spoil the entire damn thing, and since people have been kind enough to upload videos of themselves reading said novelizations and spoiling everything on YouTube, anybody could easily go find out who Screenslaver is right now. (Unfortunately.) But I'm not that kind of gal. I have self-control. And I prefer to guess. Guessing is fun.

Here are some possibilities.

Spring cleaning 2022

Hey, anyone who might still be reading this blog, long time no see! I am not dead. (Yet.) (Barely.) I can't believe my last post was 3 y...