Tuesday 8 May 2018

SHADY MOVIE THEORIES: Who is Screenslaver?

So I had to create a whole new label for this one. It took hours of work and effort, and I didn't even get paid. (Just kidding. It takes two seconds to write it in that little label box thingy.)

Here's what we know about Screenslaver from Incredibles 2: He hypnotizes people through the TV. He lives among the trash under an overpass. He has his own helicopter. He is way scarier than Syndrome. And he might not be who we think he is.

Other than that, we know jack shit about this badass-looking villain. However, I think it's safe to assume that his identity isn't just "some random guy from the street." Screenslaver is somebody. Who that somebody is? Remains to be seen.

Since there are multiple novelizations for the movie already floating around that spoil the entire damn thing, and since people have been kind enough to upload videos of themselves reading said novelizations and spoiling everything on YouTube, anybody could easily go find out who Screenslaver is right now. (Unfortunately.) But I'm not that kind of gal. I have self-control. And I prefer to guess. Guessing is fun.

Here are some possibilities.

1. Winston Deavor - 85% probable

The only reason I don't have this guy at 100% probability is because Pixar loves to throw some plot twists in our faces. But, I mean... look at him. He's a shady businessman, he runs a huge sketchy company, he's got an evil suit, he's got evil eyebrows, and he comes in with the stated intention of "helping." Yeah, with those evil eyebrows, he's not "helping" anything. There's an 85% chance that Winston is working behind the scenes to hypnotize people.

My guess? Winston's purported plan is to make supers legal again by using Elastigirl as a positive influence, but his actual plan is to make Elastigirl into such a spectacle that everyone will be watching TV just to see her. Then, he turns into Screenslaver and hypnotizes the world. Kablam. I just solved Incredibles 2. You're welcome.

And my best piece of evidence for Winston Deavor being Screenslaver? Well, THIS is what Lego Screenslaver looks like when you take his mask off:

Boom. I rest my freaking case.

2. Evelyn Deavor - 75% probable

There is some evidence that Evelyn might be the evil one, not her brother. Maybe Winston simply looks so evil because he's here to misdirect us.

First of all, look at her face. She's evil. That is an evil look. Secondly, her goddamn name is "evil endeavor." If THAT'S not evil, I don't know what is! Thirdly, the plot details for the movie state that Evelyn and Helen Parr become good friends. That sounds ripe for a whole emotional betrayal plotline that will make us all sob like babies in the theatre. And we all know Pixar jumps on every possible opportunity to make us sob like babies.

I'm pretty sure that, if not actually a Deavor, the villain will at least be connected to the Deavors. These guys are evil. I'm sure of it.

3. He-Lectrix - 60% probable

On the left: He-Lectrix, a new "wannabe super" with electricity powers. On the right: Screenslaver.

I mean, this is my only evidence. We know next to nothing about He-Lectrix, and we don't know what is deal is or why he would be evil. But... just look. If these two aren't the same person, it's a pretty big coincidence that their builds and mannerisms would be exactly the freaking same. Only time will tell, but I think this is pretty suspicious.

4. Voyd - 50% probable

It is altogether possible that Voyd, a new "wannabe" superhero, could secretly be evil. It would be unexpected and out of left field, and that's what Pixar does best. (Remember when you just think Mr. Incredible is gonna be having a harmless conference, and then he gets attacked out of nowhere?)

Voyd apparently idolizes Elastigirl, and from here comes my theory that she might turn evil. Syndrome from the first movie idolized Mr. Incredible, and yeah, we all know how that turned out. I don't have much evidence for Voyd secretly being Screenslaver, but my gut feeling is pretty strong that Voyd is not all she appears to be. I could be wrong. We'll see. (Also, her expression in the picture? Evil.)

5. Papa Deavor - 40% probable

Apparently, the backstory for the Deavors is that, after superheroes were made illegal, their father was murdered by robbers. If the supers had been around, he might have lived. That's why the Deavors are so motivated to bring heroes back. However, according to /Film, the Deavors have a "disagreement" about the circumstances around their father's death. And I know for a FACT this shit isn't insignificant. My man Brad Bird doesn't do insignificant.

What if Old Man Deavor wasn't actually killed, but just maimed or paralyzed or something? And what if he turned bitter and disillusioned, and vowed to take revenge on the supers who failed to be there for him? I know this is a stretch, but I'm certain that the Deavors' father is going to factor into this movie somehow. Call it a hunch.

Of course, all this makes for a better argument that Winston and/or Evelyn are the villains, not their late father. But I digress.

6. The Ambassador - 25% probable

Pixar has been beyond coy in their advertising for this movie. All the trailers and footage focuses almost solely on the first 30 minutes of the movie: the fight with the Underminer and the initial meeting with the Deavors. Other than that, we barely see flashes of what comes next. We haven't seen new characters such as Voyd, the wannabe supers, and Evelyn Deavor except in brief promotional material (the only image we've seen of Evelyn comes from a screenshot from EW), and, in the case of the wannabes, a grainy image in the veeeeeery background of the movie's poster.

In the case of this new character, the Ambassador, we have seen nothing of her at all. She hasn't appeared in the posters, the trailers, leaked footage... nothing. The only hint we have of her existence was in this tweet. Which was tweeted in January.

Apparently, the Ambassador is a foreign dignitary who wants to help make supers legal again. Other than that, we know nada. Her total mysteriousness is the only thing that makes me believe this person might be a villain. Oh, and her evil eyebrows. They don't help either.

7. One of the Parrs - 15% probable

What if... stay with me here... what if Violet was Screenslaver? (Audible gasps from the audience)

No, but seriously. If you've read any Incredibles fan theory whatsoever, you know that absolutely everyone under the sun used to think that one of the Parr kids would be the villain of Incredibles 2. This theory has kind of fallen under the radar since, but I dunno, I think it could still be valid.

It's pretty out-there, but still possible, that the villain could be baby Jack-Jack from the future or something. And given how Violet spends the entirety of every trailer being extremely pissed and angry, what if she secretly became Screenslaver as a way to rebel against her parents? It's a long shot - I mean, a REALLY long shot - but it's not impossible. (I don't think Dash is Screenslaver. I really, really don't.)

8. The raccoon - 10% probable

Hear me out. Hear me out, seriously. What if this raccoon was evil?

...I know. I'm sorry.

9. Some guy from the street/New character - 5% probable

Despite my firm belief that the villain will be a surprise reveal of a character we already know, it's totally possible that Screenslaver could actually be revealed as just some random guy. In fact, given how evil 50% of these new characters look, it might actually be the unexpected and smart thing to make Screenslaver an unknown character. I don't think this is actually what's going to happen, but hey, we'll see.

10. Frozone - 0.0000001%

Not happening.

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