Tuesday 7 August 2018

SHADY MOVIE THROWBACKS: The shows of my childhood

From the ages of like, 5 to 15,  all I watched was YTV. If you're not Canadian, YTV is THE channel for kids. It has not changed virtually at all in 10 years - it still has the same programming blocks, the same host (I see you, Carlos), the same sets, the same announcer, and everything. It's absolutely insane. It's like a time capsule.

This post has little to do with movies, and not much to do with pop culture, either. Only a very small subset of people are gonna relate to all the obscure Canadian shows on this list. But that's okay, because I hope that even if you're not familiar with what I will discuss, my brilliant writing and sparkling wit will keep you reading anyhow.

Spring cleaning 2022

Hey, anyone who might still be reading this blog, long time no see! I am not dead. (Yet.) (Barely.) I can't believe my last post was 3 y...