Thursday 5 May 2022

Spring cleaning 2022

Hey, anyone who might still be reading this blog, long time no see! I am not dead. (Yet.) (Barely.) I can't believe my last post was 3 years ago, and pre-Covid too. Might as well have been the Stone Age. What have I been up to since Covid and everything, you ask? The short answer is "not much" and the long answer is "my life is an empty pit, a decaying black hole where the entropy infects everything it touches, but also I've been seeing a lot of movies, so there's that."

I keep thinking about coming back to this blog, and I keep having absolutely no drive to do so. I used to have so much fun writing snarky reviews, and I'm not quite sure what happened. I just kind of lost my mojo and never recaptured it. My best guess is that Into the Spider-Verse was so very much The Movie Of All Time that my brain just decided, okay, no more reviews, we've peaked. 

I'm actually pretty embarrassed of my output, especially since a good chunk of it was written when I was, like, 15-18 and knew jack shit about jack shit. (I still know jack shit, but now I'm self-aware about it.) With that being said, the one thing I actually have the motivation to do around here is spring clean. Shortly, you might notice a bunch of reviews and articles, the vast majority of them probably, disappear. I won't be deleting them; I'm too nostalgic to get rid of a bunch of stuff I wrote in 2013. I'll just revert them to drafts, because I'm a hoarder. The best thing for a new beginning is a clean slate, I guess. And also it'll prevent people from reading the uninformed crap I was vomiting out into the internet at the literal age of 15 (affectionately). 

Well, if anyone actually read this and cares (I've never been sure), genuinely thank you. And stay tuned. :)

1 comment:

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Spring cleaning 2022

Hey, anyone who might still be reading this blog, long time no see! I am not dead. (Yet.) (Barely.) I can't believe my last post was 3 y...