About me and contact info

Hi there, I'm Shady. If you've stumbled across this page, hell yeah! I'm happy for any new readers to walk past the humble doors of my blog. (The metaphorical humble doors. It doesn't really have doors.)

I'm a girl from Southern Ontario, Canada, and I post about movies. This blog is about pop culture: mostly movies and television, but maybe a little bit of everything else as well. I post reviews, lists, and throwbacks of all sorts. I don't claim to be a professional, and I also don't claim to know a whole lot about movies - but I know when I like 'em, and I know when I don't. (A lot of the time, you're gonna be hearing about the don't.)

Like I said, I'm happy to hear from any new readers - any readers at all, in fact! If you're reading this, or if you found my posts funny, educational (hah - as if), or even if you thought they were pretty shitty, toss me a comment. And thanks for reading.

If you want to request a movie for review (terrible ones most often pique my fancy), suggest a list idea, or contact me for any other reason, there's lots of ways you can go about that. First and most likely to get a response: leave a comment on the blog. Barring that, you can send me a message on social media.

Email me: shadytailsblog@gmail.com

Slide into my DMs: @shadytailsblog on Twitter

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Spring cleaning 2022

Hey, anyone who might still be reading this blog, long time no see! I am not dead. (Yet.) (Barely.) I can't believe my last post was 3 y...