Thursday 23 November 2017

SHADY MOVIE LISTS: Movies that were nominated for Oscars AND Razzies

Yes. They do exist.

The reason I started writing this list is simple. You know the movie Norbit? One of the 5 billion late 90s-early 2000s movies where Eddie Murphy plays a bunch of different characters? (Thank god that era is over, that's all I have to say.)

In this movie, Eddie Murphy plays 3 roles: the main character Norbit; Norbit's overweight, evil wife; and some orphanage owner. Like all the other terrible comedies of those days, Norbit was really fucking bad, got a 9% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and was nominated for SEVEN Golden Raspberry awards (if you're not familiar, they're the Oscars for shitty movies). But... and this is gonna blow your mind... it was also nominated for the Academy Award for Best Makeup. And yes, I am 100% serious. (It did not win.)

I was so intrigued to learn that Norbit was nominated for both 9 Razzies and an Oscar. I mean, this isn't a Sandra Bullock situation where she showed up to collect her Razzie a day before she won her Oscar. Sandra Bullock is a great actress who just happened to be in a shitty movie. Actors can be in both shitty movies and good ones, and their performances can vary, but shitty movies are just shitty movies.

It should probably be illegal for a movie to be nominated for both Razzies and Oscars, and I don't CARE how good the makeup was. (By the way, if I ever did a separate list about actors who got both Razzies and Oscars, I promise to start off with Eddie Redmayne, who gave us all an extraordinary gift in 2015, and no, I am NOT talking about The Theory of Everything.)

So anyway, I was so intrigued by Norbit that I decided to find out if there are any other movies that got both Oscar and Razzie nods. And I discovered there are a few. (I also discovered that if a movie was nominated for a Razzie, there's like a 65% chance it was also nominated for a Teen Choice Award. Hmm. Maybe teens have bad taste? Who knew.)

Spring cleaning 2022

Hey, anyone who might still be reading this blog, long time no see! I am not dead. (Yet.) (Barely.) I can't believe my last post was 3 y...