Tuesday 25 April 2017

Welcome to Webcomic Hell 5: The end?

So for many months now, I pretty much just haven't thought about Plush and Blood, the terrible webcomic I lambasted four times (1, 2, 3, 4). Frankly I thought the stupid thing was just never going to update again and die a slow but well-deserved death. In my last post on the subject, I opined:
"And, one day, should the arrogant Mr. Messer return to his webcomic, it will be extremely interesting to see whether or not he acknowledges [his lengthy and unexplained absence and lack of updates]. To me, he seems like the kind of guy who would just continue on as if nothing happened."
 Well, it looks like I've finally got some closure, because this is exactly what has happened. On April 2 - exactly one year and a day after his last Facebook post and comic update - Messer finally bothered to say something on Facebook. That's right, folks: after a year of being so all-encompassingly busy that he couldn't even throw a measly "Hey, this is what's happening and I'm sorry for the wait but hang tight" at his PAYING FANS who PAY FOR HIS GODDAMN WORK, Corey "TiredOrangeCat" Messer has finally bothered to emerge from whatever dank hole he was hiding in.

I was sort of right about my prediction that Messer would eventually return after a long while of radio silence and just act like nothing happened. Literally his only acknowledgement of his year-long period of total silence is a short "To everyone that has stuck by, thank you for your patience" at the end of one Facebook post. Literally. That is absolutely his only acknowledgement that he made fans wait a year with no news about the comic's continuation. He just...went away for no reason. He never discussed the reason. He never thought it was necessary, despite having dozens of fans who PAY FOR HIS PRODUCT EVERY MONTH VIA PATREON, to maybe throw them a bone and let them know what was up. 

Oh, and by the way, his updates are still black-and-white for some reason. He can't even be bothered to color his terrible art. And also, if you can figure out what the hell's supposed to be happening in that page, please enlighten me, because I've been staring at it for five minutes with this look on my face.
Yup. This look.

I don't hate many people, and I certainly don't hate Corey Messer, but something makes me feel consistently annoyed whenever I see anything related to him or Plush and Blood. The man is not only arrogant and deluded, he's careless. As in, he couldn't care less. Not about the fans who (inexplicably think his artwork is valuable enough to) pay him a fee every month; not about the fans who can't afford the fee but still love his work (for some reason); not about anyone but himself, I'd wager. 

Literally the only reason I'd think was acceptable for this ridiculous hiatus is if Messer went through a serious personal tragedy like the death of a family member, which I don't think is what happened. And even if that is what happened, there's still no excuse to not respect your fans the tiniest amount by telling them what's going on and when they can expect to see updates return. He's a disrespectful douchenozzle and that's all I'm gonna say.

Seriously. That's all I'm gonna say. I'm done. There will be no Welcome to Webcomic Hell 6. The saga has ended. You can all go home now. 

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